Welcome back to myself!!!
Ok 1stly nak umumkan, I'm already a mother of 2! So somehow the journey to motherhood actually started after a few posts in this blog. Rezeki yang tak diduga setelah beberapa tahun menanti. Alhamdulillah.
But I've been there, I know how it feels.. So to all TTCians out there, don't give up *tunjuk tangan sado*. Keep on praying & just be happy. Always think +ve ok. Easier said than done, I know. But well, we gotta do what we gotta do right. Nak sedih2, depress pun buat apa. Pedulikan soalan & kata orang. Kalau rasa nak laserkan je, just do it. They don't care about your feeling, why should you. Hahahaa. Because you're better than them? Fine, tapi balik rumah, masuk bilik jangan nak menangis plak. Be strong bebeh.
I don't actually mean to write a speech here. Ok bye.
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